Saturday, August 3, 2013

Halo 4 Champions Bundle DLC

Halo 4‘s Champions Bundle DLC will be available for purchase on August 20, bringing three new content packs: the “Infinity Armor Pack” provides new armor, the “Steel Skin Pack” brings new skins to your UNSC, Covenant and Forerunner weapons, and the “Bullseye Pack” delivers two new maps, sports-themed Spartan armor and a new game type called Ricochet.
These packs will be available separately for between 240 MSP and 480 MSP (Bullseye Pack), or as the full Champions Bundle. Finally new content will be added to Halo 4 delighting multiplayer fans all over the globe. I myself am eager to try out all the new bundles out!
If it is the armor you are most interested in with these DLC bundles, screenshots have been released showing exactly what your Spartan will look like while wearing them:

ODST Armor Infinity Armor Pack

Prefect Armor Infinity Armor Pack

Sports-Themed Armor Bullseye Pack

Developer 343 Industries will also include 10 new Achievements worth a total of 250G on the Gamerscore as part of the Champions Bundle.
ShockingIn Bullseye DLC matchmaking, activate both electrical surge systems during a match on Vertigo.10 points
Got it!In Bullseye DLC matchmaking, acquire the Rocket Launcher at the start of a match on Pitfall.20 points
Protect This HouseIn matchmaking, assassinate the ball carrier within five meters of your own goal in Ricochet.30 points
Hat TrickIn matchmaking, score three times in one round of Ricochet.33 points
From DowntownIn matchmaking, score by throwing the ball from 30 meters in Ricochet.25 points
Can’t Catch MeIn matchmaking, score a goal in Ricochet while taking damage with the Resistor active.25 points
Just a ScratchIn matchmaking, recover full shields from low health with both Resistor and Recharge active.20 points
Pitchin’ a TentIn matchmaking, effectively camp one location without dying for a full 60 seconds.20 points
One-Man ArmyIn matchmaking, get four consecutive kills with the Rocket Launcher without dying.40 points
Repeat SurvivorIn matchmaking, survive three vehicle explosions in a row with the Survivor package.27 points

What is your take on the new content being released? Will you purchase the Champions Bundle DLC? Leave your comment below!

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